my brother in christ...
my brother in christ...
the caucasity of this bitch
Rustboro is the Ohio/Birmingham of the Hoenn region
wow... what a fucking 5 minute trip I just had reading this comic.
It threads that fine line between pretentious mess and true artistic freedom. Every panel has this intense passion in it, not necessarily at what means or symbolizes, but at the emotions being portrayed. I might be seeing something that isn't there, something the author never intended, but isn't that what art is all about? To find your own emotional meaning on the work? If that's the case, then Splatterbrain succeeded beautifully, and I don't even have the luxury of context.
canine mage
flips a coin and it's either Katy or Kim Pines
soooo cute
I'll take your entire stock
For every frog jesus, there's a salamander judas
lvl 27 facesitter
former husband
Chris sent me
Joined on 3/11/21